Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Empty Lot

by: Rafael Luigi Siy

I walk a path 
with those I love,
To a place of peace 
and passion.

Though not long ago
I Drank, I
Danced and
Disturbed my neighbors slumber.

Woke up
 2 hours later and felt
The Earth tumble
and the ground tremble.

Now back 
in the path of which
my love one's

I held the hand
Of a frail old lady.
Who used 
to be my Doctor.

As we walk,
Her life experience seemed to
 flow out like an
endless river.

My mind absorbing 
her life and sufferings.
It stopped as we 
saw the Empty lot.

Don't be Gay
Love your family
Cherish you Friends
is what she said.

nonsense is what
I thought.
Till she said 
This empty lawn is her's.

I stopped
I remembered
and finally
I Smiled.

Holding her hand
Tighter now.
Walking slowly 

As I look back 
at the empty lot
all I could say was
All is well.


Wadup Bros this your good friend Raffy-G in the house!!! That was a really bad impression of a rapper. So this week was kinda sad for me since I was not able to attend the class regarding this video I was suppose to    write my opinion about but luckily my fellow blogger He told me about the video which i fucking searched. I took me a while but I did find it. The documentary was called " from nothing to the art of rap" Which focuses on hip hop.

So the video talked about a basically how rapping is like poetry. Since I did miss the discussion my friends had to fill me up on this. Apparently rapping is compared to poetry because like poetry it contains stanzas. The way you say the words in the rap and the tempo you use would determine the mood of the rap. More often than none it contains curses. Which made me draw a conclusion that all rappers are often fucking angry or just rude. No offense because I rap too. I'm like Vanilla Ice, except im Asian which means I am the yellow boy that can rap yo. Though i can agree to that statement that rapping is like poetry and To be exact it is like free verse poetry where you just what you want and what you feel. 

Though I am kinda happy that this would be the last week we tackle poetry because ever since I could remember this genre for me was the hardest. Though for the record I am not trying to kiss ass but my professor in Lit Definitely gave me a new found appreciation for poetry. Because back then I simply did not understand or found it even a wee bit interesting. At least not I think there are some poetry out there that is worth a read or two.

Monday, October 22, 2012


Basically this is the poem we read for the weak on of the shortest i have ever read and the hardest for me to comprehend.

The Red Wheelbarrow

so much depends

a red wheel

glazed with rain

beside the white
William Carlos Williams
This poem gave me a hell of  hard time. First i though this looks so simple and when i read it. The poem made no sense to me and i couldn't quite figure out what is was about. I really wished that i have known sooner but I am Glad that my professor explain everything to us. 
First of all when i discovered the poem actually looked liked a wheelbarrow my mind was already blown. because i never really took notice to that. Other than that i could not still understand the poem. Then he said something about feeling the poem as we say it. It gives us the feeling of something heavy when we say the words.
it was quite new to me because I do not really see the point of doing all those things but eventually we came up with the theory that the poem is basically about a broken wheelbarrow that felt useless because it was left out in the rain and not being taken care of.
Well i guess the insight here was basically how this poem talks about heavy burdens being carried by people. The poet talks relate  the feeling of being useless in the world on how it is so difficult to feel useless like someone with no sense of purpose in life I think that is what the poem is implying. 
The poem pretty much didn't keep me interested. Honestly i have nothing much to say here because there isn't much i can really say that is nice about the poem.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Gorgon Lady of the Mall!

The tale of the Gorgon Lady in the basement of the mall! That would probably scare the hell out of children who practically live in malls! Unless you have THAT kind of fetish where this shit actually turns you on! (if so please, Do see a doctor.) So this week I learned about Pythons in the Mall by Marne Kilates.

When i first read the poem i was almost sure and assumed quickly that this poem was merely talking about gossip. That this poem was talking about fact how gossip can grown into people's mind and create monsters of our own imagination. Though was my initial interpretation, sadly I was wrong. Though I don't exactly admit I was completely wrong because the poem constantly describes how a gossip is. That we are its adoring victims and is fed by our gullibility. So I am not ruling out my interpretation was completely wrong.

Though interesting thing I learned as I read it some more. The poem has a shape. Yes folks you heard me right the poem has a shape! Apparently this poem has a shape of a snake. No I am not crazy it literally does by the way you read and pause. It creates a wavy shape and the dominant sound of the poem would be the letter "S" which would imply the hissing sound! That would imply that poem is seductive and at the same time destructive. I will expound on the some more later on. The poem also moves like a snake especially when a snake is about to strike a prey, with quickness. When you read the poem and the way it is arranged it shows that action. Because you can read a sentence with a subject and verb but after that you pause for a while then say the word. That is how the poem here is described.

The poem apparently was not that deep the more i think about there was reason they put the setting in the mall and that was because the mall is a dangerous place full of hot babes and expensive clothes. It is in fact beautiful in the outside and people go there all the time because it is fun and relaxing. Though the reason people go there because there is always something new to see though in that sense you will eventually tend to spend more. This poem in fact, implies that like a snake beautiful and majestic can be deadly. Because a mall is something that can blur the line between want and need. People go to the mall all the time. They spend money there that they could probably spend in more important things than arcades and movies. This literally makes people think that what they see there is what they need but in fact , it is just what they want or desire to have.

So I think generally this poem is good. I made me think twice about it but it was good and I cant complain on how it was written either. Though the only thing that intrigues me is why can't they just use a half serpent half man? why does it have to be a woman? I'm not gay but I do think it is a but sexist!

Sunday, October 7, 2012


Honestly last week was kind of a blur seeing that I got drunk half the time! So Time moved quite fast and I must say what I did learn last week was kind of interesting and kind of boring at the same time. about the  "A
Valediction: Forbidding Mourning" by John Donne.

This poem was not exactly my type because it kind of took me awhile before I could completely analyze it!  Honestly, the only time I was able to really understand it was when my Professor explained to us. Because it was just a bit off for me. How he compares death and separation to love. I mean seriously who does that! I guess more or less bitter people could relate death to love. But would be a whole new topic completely!

So this poem when you read it out loud you could see hear that a male persona is talking. At first i just thought because of the devotion of love and cues of how dignified a person must be in times of death was the reason i read it in male voice. But sadly I was wrong! The real reason for that would be because the elements that were used in the poem was so scientific. It was logical, not that I'm being a sexist but most of women's poems are compared to nature, the sea and other cheezy things. But this poem was written by a man and an educated man in that manner. 

Though I said the poem for me was kinda of dull of just not my type of poem at all. Maybe it is because I am not a deep reader or fan of poems but I can't seem to put to words why I just don'f find this poem as interesting as my friends do. 

But as I said there is 
one thing that caught my interest! and It is how the author compares their love to GOLDWhat would be the first thing that pops in you mind when I say Gold? Probably you would think of something common like wealth, power or something precious. If you were retarded you would probably relate it to something stupid like the color yellow which would lead you to a banana. But the author was an educated man and instead of using the normal  way of comparing Gold, he used the other characteristic of gold which was for me unknown till my teacher told what it was. That gold was the most malleable metal on earth. It could be hammered so thin that it would become translucent. You can even use it to wipe you ass if you want to! The writer states that the love is like Gold and used keywords to emphasize that in the poem. Like Gold love would be Malleable and the poem talks about separation. So I think it would be implying that the more you hammer a the gold the more it expands. Like the love even though u get father and father away from each other you are still joined together with this passion. Not because you are far away from each other means the love would disappear. It was also stated that he found physical love boring. in other words he found sex dull and not enough. This kind of made me curios weather this writer was gay or not. But anyway I will let that slide. The reason he found physical love insufficient is because when the person is gone and you cannot feel her anymore then the love would disappear as well. 

This is what i mean by I found this poem quite boring and ineresting at the same time. I kinda learned a new of writing poem from this poem but most of all I learned that love should not only be physical but spiritual as well and the writer shows and explains that brilliatly. Though i still think sex should be involved though.