Sunday, October 7, 2012


Honestly last week was kind of a blur seeing that I got drunk half the time! So Time moved quite fast and I must say what I did learn last week was kind of interesting and kind of boring at the same time. about the  "A
Valediction: Forbidding Mourning" by John Donne.

This poem was not exactly my type because it kind of took me awhile before I could completely analyze it!  Honestly, the only time I was able to really understand it was when my Professor explained to us. Because it was just a bit off for me. How he compares death and separation to love. I mean seriously who does that! I guess more or less bitter people could relate death to love. But would be a whole new topic completely!

So this poem when you read it out loud you could see hear that a male persona is talking. At first i just thought because of the devotion of love and cues of how dignified a person must be in times of death was the reason i read it in male voice. But sadly I was wrong! The real reason for that would be because the elements that were used in the poem was so scientific. It was logical, not that I'm being a sexist but most of women's poems are compared to nature, the sea and other cheezy things. But this poem was written by a man and an educated man in that manner. 

Though I said the poem for me was kinda of dull of just not my type of poem at all. Maybe it is because I am not a deep reader or fan of poems but I can't seem to put to words why I just don'f find this poem as interesting as my friends do. 

But as I said there is 
one thing that caught my interest! and It is how the author compares their love to GOLDWhat would be the first thing that pops in you mind when I say Gold? Probably you would think of something common like wealth, power or something precious. If you were retarded you would probably relate it to something stupid like the color yellow which would lead you to a banana. But the author was an educated man and instead of using the normal  way of comparing Gold, he used the other characteristic of gold which was for me unknown till my teacher told what it was. That gold was the most malleable metal on earth. It could be hammered so thin that it would become translucent. You can even use it to wipe you ass if you want to! The writer states that the love is like Gold and used keywords to emphasize that in the poem. Like Gold love would be Malleable and the poem talks about separation. So I think it would be implying that the more you hammer a the gold the more it expands. Like the love even though u get father and father away from each other you are still joined together with this passion. Not because you are far away from each other means the love would disappear. It was also stated that he found physical love boring. in other words he found sex dull and not enough. This kind of made me curios weather this writer was gay or not. But anyway I will let that slide. The reason he found physical love insufficient is because when the person is gone and you cannot feel her anymore then the love would disappear as well. 

This is what i mean by I found this poem quite boring and ineresting at the same time. I kinda learned a new of writing poem from this poem but most of all I learned that love should not only be physical but spiritual as well and the writer shows and explains that brilliatly. Though i still think sex should be involved though.

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